In defense of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Originally posted 02.10.2016
This post is in response to an article on Logic of Science
Talk about calling the kettle black, this is one seriously biased and uninformed article against the work of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
Let’s apply your logic to another situation:
The first premise is that all current science theories will eventually be proven out to be true, which is false from the very start.
At one time, “scientists” some very smart guys all believed that the Earth was flat, all the documentation written was with that theory in mind. Had they written 10,000 articles, papers, blogs, tv shows, radio shows and Scientific American articles, when another “scientist” questioned the existing theory and published the first article, it would NOT have changed what the truth eventually was proven to be. 1 article against 10,000 WOULD be the needle in the haystack and WOULD have been very hard to find.
Truths typically go through 3 stages:

  • First: they are generally ignored;
  • Second: they are violently opposed and ridiculed;
  • Third: eventually they are accepted as self-evident and we wondered why they were ever even doubted.

This article is in stage 2, opposed and ridiculed.
She’s correct, there are hundreds of thousands of articles, papers, and studies proclaiming the trustworthiness of vaccines and how safe they are. At the same time there are several thousand trials, studies, and cases of injured people who have been awarded monetary damages due to vaccine related injuries and deaths, those so called outliers are not single point conclusions, but in fact replicated often times from independent and unrelated studies and trials.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail! The western/traditional/conventional medical trained modalities are two fold, the first is to treat an ailment or illness with chemicals which are called drugs, the second is surgery to attempt to repair, remove, or replace something in or on the human body.
Case in point, Dr. Frederick Klenner MD during the 1948-49 outbreak of poliomyelitis (polio), 60 cases came into his office and ALL 60 left his office fully cured with NO permanent paralysis. That is a 100% cure rate utilizing mega-dosing Sodium Ascorbate to bolster the immune system to fight and defeat the poliomyelitis virus. This was 6 years before the first polio vaccine was produced. Was that an outlier? Hardly, a doctor in Germany used the same protocols that Dr. Klenner did with the exact same results? Duplication is a condition of science to confirm a theory into proven science, case closed. However, when Dr. Klenner presented this protocol to a Medical convention, it literally fell on deaf ears and was not even looked at? I’m not going to speculate as to why, its just a fact that it was. Doesn’t change the results one bit. Read for yourself or Cure of Polio and other Viral Infections
Dr. Linus Pauling PhD, winner of two individual Nobel Prizes, grandfather of modern chemistry and one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century, was then duped into believing that mega-dosing nutritional therapies was somehow better than all the antibiotics, drugs, and surgeries available to humankind. He was ridiculed, but now, some 20+ years later, he is slowly being vindicated that his research was solid science, even though reputable organizations such as Mayo Clinic did “clinical” trials that attempted to disproved his “theories”. But when the Mayo Clinic trial information was looked at deeper that “proved” Dr. Pauling’s finding were erroneous, it was found that the study was set up to fail and that the levels of Vitamin C used was of such a low amount, it was no wonder their results were shown to be what they wanted. Now trials are showing that if a person takes, 2,000 mg to 5,000 mg of Vitamin C per day when a cold starts that it will shorten that cold by a significant amount of time. So you could have 4 million studies that prove that it doesn’t and 2 that it does, will not change the truth, that when ample amounts of Vitamin C are taken, it will strengthen a person’s immune system to the point of fighting and defeating many if not all viral and bacterial infections.
So before passing judgment, go spend $10 and read as much stuff on her site as you can and then go about your disproving each and every point that she makes from her library with studies NOT done by conflict of interest universities, internal medically biased hospitals, or pharmaceutical companies.
BTW, “observational” studies are quoted all the time by “science” and “medical” people, if they are valid for them, they are certainly equally as valid for anti-vaxers, alternative and complimentary medical people as well. You DON’T get to have it both ways.
Visit Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s website at:

2 Replies to “In defense of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny”

  1. In a video, Dr. Tenpenny discusses the vitamins people should be taking. I understood Vitamins C, D, and zinc, but I don’t know how to spell the other vitamin she spoke about. She stated we should take high amounts of this. It sounded like she said, “Coenicutin”, or “Cohen-I-cuten”??? Please spell this for me.

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