
Nicholas St Jon NaMD (Not a Medical Doctor) is a Research Scientist, authored 4 books, speaker, regular TV guest, and radio talk show host.

Nicholas has spent a lifetime of creating efficiencies in many different industries having served in the US Navy on a nuclear submarine, worked on the manned space flight program on the Space Shuttle program, consulted with Disney, Mattel, Gillette, the city and county of Los Angeles, the Healthcare industry, Chiropractic industry, and the Life Insurance industry.

With over 9 years of research into the virus aspects of infections and treatments for viral infections, it was a natural move to the alternative health care arena where treatments for viruses, bacteria, germs, and pathogens have made our lives miserable including taking loved ones from us because the “traditional” Internal Medicine trained people only have 2 answers for everything of which neither will cure you from a viral infection.

While medicine (aka drugs) has a place, its just not EVERY place and while surgery has a place, it too is not EVERY place.

I believe God gave us everything we need to live a healthy and strong life, my mission is to present to you alternatives to the Internal Medical ways of doing just that.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a licensed practitioner and do not diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or illnesses. The information in this blog is for educational purposes only.

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